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— Time to create
systemic & ethical

— Time to create
systemic & ethical

A humanistic approach and compass for a more ethical and systemic UX Design.
Challenging the consequences, dependencies and responsibility. But moreover a future-oriented way of thinking — not just for designers.
You can consider this page as a summary of UX design and its possible changes. It provides an overview of the basics and the human as well as important mindsets for the future of design.

Wait, whats
wrong with UX?

UX design focuses on the end user's experience. But since when do we humans know what we want and what is good for us? Since when do companies act for the good of humanity?

We designers are so user-focused that we forget to factor in our impact on the world —
And that could be big.

— connection.  

Interconnection is everywhere. Between the people we meet every day. The things we use – The work email that is sent around the globe. Between the web devices and our refrigerator.

Interconnection acts as the foundation in product development, in nature, and within our human communication.

Summary of

Everything in our world is designed. From doorknobs to immersive websites. We designers are hired to create human-centered experiences - whether it's an interface, a service, or a haptic product of daily life. In the end, people use our design. So they experience all the benefits if we design well, or they have a bad experience if we don't do enough research - we only care about the end user and the needs of our customer group. And that's where the problem lies.
The customer is both a leverage point within a system and at the same time an individual with personal needs. If we design only for the positive experience, we may achieve it, but we don't address the potential consequences that come with it. We should include the systemic context in our design, i.e., what impact can our design have. And we should practice a design for all. So see the user as an individual, not as a group of users.

— why does it matter?

We can only provide a sustainably positive experience if we also have a world we enjoy living in. By making everything interconnected, small changes often have unexpected effects on the environment and ultimately on our own lives.

Unintended consequences and increasing complexity require new thinking and a new focus for UX design. — With the whole affected system in mind.

– over methods

“Time to take care
of the human within
a bigger system.”
Future orientation laptop image

and future

As UX designers, we need to understand that we should constantly challenge the status quo. To do this, we need a deep knowledge of people and design. Thus, we can put future aspects into context and consciously take responsibility. For that, we should understand the human itself. Know his wishes and emotions - know why we act and how we act.
The future of UX Design is system-orientation and our humanity —

This does not mean considering the human being as the core of UX design, but in the middle of a comprehensive system
— Bouganim - Systemic by Design

Let's reset

— our focus
The best way to start is with an overview. This will explain the structure of the guide again and how best to navigate through the site. but of course you can also skip the basics and start directly with the future-oriented approaches to system and people.

Human Centered

Cross-cultural collaboration, technological advances, and easy access to mass media make it imperative that ethical and empathetic principles are also incorporated into the design of products. While companies manipulate individual needs, exploit evolutionary predispositions and push us to buy more products, accessibility, inclusion or principles of ergonomics are becoming more relevant within the dynamically changing society.


In our designer bubble, we often forget that the products or systems we create are merely leverage points in a global world economy. When we design products with only the user in mind, we lose sight of the bigger picture. A system-oriented mindset within our modern design approaches must include the impact of our products in order to take responsibility of our decisions for a sustainable future.