Time to
build the —
right mindset

We designers make cool products. Visually appealing interactions, impressive animations or stunning films that make people marvel. We are makers, conceptualizers, creatives and that's what makes us.
The better our work is, the more potential it offers. But that also means that our influence increases. Designers are taught how to design, but not whether they should design and what impact their design can have. Time to take responsibility.

Guide Overview

This website provides information about UX design and what influences could change it. For best understanding start with the basics, but feel free to explore everything. Pages in Detail:

The core

While the fundamental orientation of UX design as a use-centered design process for human experience can be maintained, the product-centered focus on short-term interpretation should be removed. Designers should ask themselves if the short-sighted user interests are aligned with the enduring goals of people and our environment. Therefore, long-term consequences and principles of sustainability, ethics, and empathy should be implemented into the field of UX design. UX designers should take their responsibility seriously and try to communicate a philosophy of openness and tolerance to establish sustainable change for a sustainable earth.
We designers hold a gun by the hand. The only question is, are we pushed to pull the trigger or do we let it grow into a bouquet of roses?
— Sandro Wucherer

Actions to

If we design human-centered we should broaden our focus. We should know and address the systemic context and practice a design for all. For this purpose, it is helpful to keep the following three concepts in mind as a mental background within the design process.

as foundation.

First, sustainability must be established. Without a functioning, sustainable environment, even the best experience is useless in the long run. To this end, we can ask at the outset whether the product meets sustainability criteria. In the development process, we can establish models such as product-as-a-service, question materials and create cycles. We can ask ourselves how we can reduce the footprint of our products, what data is necessary and how we communicate this knowledge to the end customer.


The next concept is the placement in the systemic context. All products are networked and our technological progress reinforces this development. We as designers should therefore constantly place our product in the overall context. What impact can our product have on the environment, society or the individual. What consequences can occur elsewhere and how can this change people's lives. We can implement this concept by incorporating systems-based design practices into our design iteratively adapting and adjusting our product to the future.

Design for
all individuals.

Last but not least, the focus on the user within the system must be taken into account. Social transformation and the heavy use of technologies make it necessary for us to adapt the usage requirements to all potential users in our design process. To do this, design decisions should be made consciously and constantly question who is excluded as a result. Thoughtful and reasoned decisions over purely aesthetic or use-oriented design. We should offer positive experiences that help end users, provide them with security, transparency, and most importantly, are ethically and empathetically tailored to people, not just the customer from a business perspective.
Now is the time to change your mindset. Be system-oriented, practice ethics, and be empathic in your design.